US dollars in a jeans back pocket

What Is 1000 Norway Krone to USD?

Norway has a rep for being a pricey country, which, unfortunately, is not very inaccurate. At least it is expensive in comparison to a lot of other countries where both prices and wages are lower than in this Scandinavian country on top of Europe, and the world.

As Norway is also incredibly beautiful and quite unique with its seasons, nature, wildlife, mountains, fjords, polar nights, midnight sun, and the rest – many people still decide they want to experience Norway and the Arctic.

But how do you calculate Norwegian Money? Although the value of the Norwegian Krone to USD fluctuates a bit, there are usually no dramatic changes.

1000 Norway Krone to USD

On July 4th, 2024 (!) 1000 Norwegian Kroner is 94,72 American dollars.

You can check the currency calculator here if you are planning a trip, and download an app as well to keep track while you are traveling.

NOK to USD Historic Data Last 5 Years


Highest:11.222 NOK on November 9, 2023
Average:10.565 NOK over this period
Lowest:9.8175 NOK on January 23, 2023


Highest:10.884 NOK on September 30, 2022
Average:9.6184 NOK over this period
Lowest:8.5735 NOK on March 30, 2022


Highest:9.1789 NOK on December 3, 2021
Average:8.5980 NOK over this period
Lowest:8.1745 NOK on April 28, 2021


Highest:11.797 NOK on March 20, 2020
Average:9.4484 NOK over this period
Lowest:8.5354 NOK on December 30, 2020


Highest:9.2278 NOK on October 29, 2019
Average:8.7954 NOK over this period
Lowest:8.4201 NOK on January 30, 2019

FAQ Norwegian Currency

How Much Is 1 USD In Norway?

In July 2024, 1 USD is 10,57 NOK (Norwegian Kroner), and the value is relatively stable and consistent.

2000 NOK to USD

On the 4th of July 2024, 2000 NOK is 189,44 US Dollars.

Is The US Dollar Strong In Norway?

The value of the US Dollar to Norwegian Kroner is around 10 kroner to one dollar. The value fluctuates historically between 1:9 and 1:11. For exact current currency value, please check a trustworthy currency calculator.

Wrap-Up What Is 1000 Norway Krone to USD?

As a rule of thumb, you can calculate that one dollar is more or less 10 Norwegian kroner, with some fluctuations.

However, before spending (especially large amounts!) – check a currency calculator to make sure you don’t get any surprises after your stay in Norway!

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